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Vadim Savin
Vadim Savin

NITE Team 4 Hacked [REPACK]

Taking control of a hacking suite supposedly based on "real cybersecurity systems", we'll get to hack the planet in three phases. The Recon phase is about researching enemy facilities, trying to uncover intelligence to help target attacks. The Exploitation phase moves on to actually hacking people, getting into their systems. Then the Raid phase will let you affect the real world, doing things like sending in teams to plant malware and calling in drone strikes. Lawks! In theory, it's an interesting one.

NITE Team 4 Hacked


For me, personally, some of the video elements were a little offputting at first against the sleek and minimalistic STINGER backdrop. While it does break the sense of reality a little bit, the Alice & Smith team did create an excellent game. If the few slightly disjointed elements are the most offputting thing about stepping into the game for the first time, then it really is a feat.

Those feel that the experience is authentic and realistic to actual hacking and a few who dare to say that they are in the market of hacking also concur. So if you want a real experience, to either live or relive the thrill of hacking and espionage, this is definitely a game that you should check out.

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You play as a new recruit in the covert hacking cell, Network Intelligence & Technical Evaluation (NITE) Team 4. Engaged in cyberwarfare with black hat groups and hostile states, you will be in a struggle to penetrate highly secure targets. Your job is to use the STINGER hacking system to infiltrate hardened computer networks and coordinate strike teams on the ground to carry out missions that feature real espionage tradecraft terminology taken straight from leaked NSA documents.

Finally, the Raid Phase begins where players will work with military teams on the ground to provide specialized support and direct units to effectively compromise an entire facility/organization using highly advanced cyberwarfare equipment. Ensure your team is well equipped to defeat threats on the ground, facility security controls and network defenses.

Controlling elements of a game through coding is becoming an interesting little niche after the success of sci-fi titles like Duskers, where you control a small team of robots scavenging through abandoned spaceships.

Missions in NITE Team 4 will be conducted via "a virtual hacking platform based off real cybersecurity systems" like Kali Linux and Metasploit. Each mission is broken into three phases: Recon, Exploitation, and Raid. During the Recon phase, players gather intelligence and find weaknesses "using actual espionage tradecraft." During the Exploitation phase, players will hack into their target and "gain a secure foothold." Missions are wrapped up in the Raid phase, during which players coordinate with "military teams on the ground" to take down facilities or even entire organizations.

About This GameNITE Team 4 is a story-driven military hacking simulation game that explores the world of cyberwarfare and features realistic mission scenarios. It will be released on Steam for PC and Mac.You play as a new recruit in the covert hacking cell, Network Intelligence & Technical Evaluation (NITE) Team 4. Engaged in cyberwarfare with black hat groups and hostile states, you will be in a struggle to penetrate highly secure targets. Your job is to use the STINGER hacking system to infiltrate hardened computer networks and coordinate strike teams on the ground to carry out missions that feature real espionage tradecraft terminology taken straight from leaked NSA documents.In NITE Team 4, players will have access to a virtual hacking platform based off real systems (Kali Linux / Metasploit). Each mission is broken down into distinct phases including Recon, Exploitation and Raid. In the Recon Phase, players will be performing research and investigative tasks to learn all they can using actual espionage tradecraft. Utilize reconnaissance tools to map networks, fingerprint systems and gather intelligence that will help you uncover possible weaknesses in the target organization. After gaining a thorough understanding of the enemy, players will move to the Exploitation Phase where they will use hacking modules to exploit and gain a secure foothold into the target. Customize your attack strategy by leveraging all the offensive system tools at your disposal. Finally, the Raid Phase begins where players will work with military teams on the ground to provide specialized support and direct units to effectively compromise an entire facility/organization using highly advanced cyberwarfare equipment. Ensure your team is well equipped to defeat threats on the ground, facility security controls and network defenses.HACKING SUITE - The STINGER hacking platform is inspired by actual platforms like Kali Linux. It allows players to control sophisticated modules and use custom intrusion tools to deliver an authentic hacking experience.IN THE FIELD - Direct troops in the field to carry out hacking operations like covertly implanting devices with eavesdropping equipment and sabotaging targets.RICH STORY - Mission objectives and descriptions feature real world NSA intel analyst terminology, taken straight from leaked NSA documents in the Snowden archive and inspiration from actual cyberthreats.ALTERNATE REALITY WAR GAMES - From Advanced Persistent Threats to covert malware projects that destroy critical infrastructure, NITE Team 4 is inspired by the real world of cyberwarfare and includes optional Alternate Reality Game elements that enhance the immersion of the universe.

You can buy NITE Team 4 - Military Hacking Division directly on Steam, or on one of the marketplaces below. Usually, games on marketplaces are much cheaper, and you can save up to 80%! Check prices below:

Disclaimer: Powered by Steam, a registered trademark of Valve Corporation. is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Valve Corporation. We can not guarantee the accuracy or availability of the displayed offers - before you buy something in a store, make sure that the prices are correct. We make use of affiliate programs for monetizing links on our site.

Une nouvelle démo est disponible ! Cliquez sur le bouton "Télécharger la démo" dans le widget Steam à droite pour télécharger et installer la démo NT4. Si vous êtes un nouveau joueur, il vous sera demandé en jeu de créer un compte Alice&Smith. Pour nos vétérans, entrez simplement vos identifiants Black Watchmen pour accéder au jeu. Profitez de la mission et partagez vos commentaires avec nous !

1. Abre la página y descarga el cliente STEAM.2. Haz click \"Install Steam\" (en la esquina superior derecha).3. Instala y ejecuta la aplicación, posteriormente accede con tu Nombre de Usuario y tu Contraseña(crea una si todavía no la tienes).4. Sigue las siguientes instrucciones para activar tu clave en Steam:

Hay una nueva demostración disponible! Haga clic en el botón "Descargar demostración" en el widget de Steam a la derecha para descargar e instalar la demostración de NT4. Si es un jugador nuevo, se le pedirá en el juego que cree una cuenta de Alice&Smith. Para nuestros veteranos, simplemente ingrese sus credenciales de Black Watchmen para acceder al juego. Disfrute de la Misión y comparta sus comentarios con nosotros!

È disponibile una nuova demo! Fai clic sul pulsante "Scarica demo" nel widget di Steam a destra per scaricare e installare NT4 Demo. Se sei un nuovo giocatore, ti verrà chiesto nel gioco di creare un account Alice&Smith. Per i nostri veterani, inserisci le tue credenziali di Black Watchmen per accedere al gioco. Goditi la missione e condividi il tuo feedback con noi!

Repentant Cyber Criminal, Network Intelligence & Technical Evaluation Team 4 ti offre una seconda possibilità. In qualità di nuovo agente "Cyber Tactical Operations", devi metterti alla prova nella famosa Sezione 8. Non c'è tempo per chiedersi perché sei stato scelto per unirti al top team dell'agenzia, il pericolo è ovunque e devi agire in fretta prima che si verifichi è troppo tardi. Dal caos tecnologico al bioterrorismo, sarai in grado di fermare gli attacchi e prevenire una catastrofe di massa? NT4 è la simulazione di hacking militare più realistica fino ad oggi. Sei uno specialista in operazioni informatiche di un'organizzazione militare segreta e utilizzerai strumenti di hacking militari per svolgere il tuo dovere. Attraverso il primo capitolo di una campagna cooperativa immersiva e realistica, utilizzerai una suite di hacking avanzata (il sistema operativo Stinger) per combattere in una guerra informatica contro potenti nemici. Tra gli incarichi della storia, i "teatri" sandbox offrono una varietà di missioni secondarie oltre alla "mente alveare" sempre disponibile della comunità. Esci dalla tua zona di comfort e rivelati come un vero guerriero Cyber!




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